Friday, September 14, 2007


Still here....

I guess with a poker blog if you don't play much you can't post much.

I have started to play a bit more so time to post I guess.

Healthwise I had another operation last week (8th or 9th I've lost count). This one was to finally remove my CAPD tube (Literally hanging around since May) and start the creation of a fistula.

I also had my two year anniversary of going on the transplant list. When I went on it was 2-3 year wait. Now its a 4-5 year wait, spot a pattern here?

So health is still shaky and most of the poker Ive played has been cash PLO8 on Ipoker and PokerStars. I'm limiting myself to at most $100 buy in tables, on Ipoker these are not run much higher and often two table $50 buy in. So many short buy in players so Ive had a recent good run. I have been lucky i.e flopping set of 2s vs set of 8s and turning quads to stack him. I also turned nut flush vs top set and second nut flush for a $220 pot to get out of a $100 hole on 'Stars. Guess the downswing might happen soon.

Not got much energy for donkaments. Played the 901 runner WCOOP freeroll last night and realised why I don't play Holdum much now. Went out after 2 hours in 100ish with AQ vs AJ when flop came down a pretty convincing KQT :-). AJ matey boy managed to spunk his stack off pretty quick...c'est la vie.

Hoping to go to Cardiff for Blondebash 5. Hopefully will be in better shape than BB4 when I was carrying a hernia and ended up in hospital 5 days later...

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