Saturday, November 25, 2006


Under The Knife

Back into hospital on Monday for my CAPD tube to be refitted. Will be great to get back to some sort of normality regarding dialysis i.e not having to trek to the hospital at night for 4 hours haemo dialysis with all the waiting around before and after.

Poker wise Limit O8 has been a nightmare for 4 weeks now and I've 90% switched to $100 buy in PLO8 with occasional dips into $200 by in PLO8. Nothing spectatcular there either and my YTD is now a massive +$215, but heh its still ahead :-)

Hopefully once I get back on CAPD I can plan my next foreign trip. I have pencilled in LA or LV for February 2007. Fingers crossed.


Can't be bothered to go over my last Vegas trip suffice to say I won't be using the train to get to and from the airport!

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